Tenants Out of Hours Contact
Property Management opening hours are:
Office telephone number 02073842222
Email address: management@lawsonrutter.com
We know how stressful it can be when you have an out of hours emergency, which is why we have a 24hrs emergency contact who can assist you at any time, day or night.
(You should only telephone the contractors noted above in a genuine emergency, otherwise you may be liable for the cost of the contractors visit).
A password would have been provided to you, upon your move in and a letter sent to you in the post.
If you do not have heating or hot water and your landlord has British Gas cover please call 0845 9500 400
Boiler/ Central heating - Not Working Checklist.
A. Ensure the boiler is switched ON and that the lights are ON. (If the lights are not on then the fuse may have blown)
B. Ensure that the programmer on the boiler is switched to the Heating and/or Hot Water position and is ON.
C. The room thermostat must be turned to a high level (If the temperature in the room is 18 degrees and the room stat is turned to 15 degrees the boiler will not switch on as it sees the room as being warm enough without the heating on)
D. If it is still not working, check the pressure gauge on the boiler or near the hot water cylinder. It should not be below 1 bar and if it is, then you will need to turn the nearby tap on the boiler very slowly to increase the pressure. You will see the needle on the gauge move its position. Once it reaches just over 1 bar, close the tap again.
E. Ensure that the radiator valves are all open.
F. If a radiator is warm at the bottom but cold near the top, there may be trapped air in the system and you may need to bleed the radiator.
G. How to bleed a radiator (The key to bleed radiators can be purchased in every DIY store)
2. Fit a bleed key onto the bleed valve (this is usually at the top at one end of the radiator - on some designs of radiator, it may be at the back).
3. Loosely wrap a piece of old cloth around the key to catch any expelled water.
4. Open the bleed valve by turning the bleed a 1/2 turn anti clockwise - hissing of air being expelled will normally be heard.
5. When water starts to dribble out of the valve, close the valve by turning the key a 1/2 turn clockwise. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.
6. If the Central Heating system is a sealed system, check the pressure and, if necessary, top up the pressure as required (often 1 bar but check the instructions).
7. The thermostat, boiler and programmer should work perfectly once all of this is done.
Once you have gone through this list and made sure that there is nothing you can do to get the hot water/central heating working then an arrangement will be made to have a plumber tend to the problem. Please note that in the case of a fault being found then any cost will be covered by the landlord. However, if it is a fault that could have been rectified using the information above, then you may be held responsible for the cost of any visit and the invoice will be sent to you for settlement.